
The GEA 50 Reading Challenge

Reading is the gateway to every subject in school, but more than that, it is the gateway to a world of imagination, learning, growth and experience.

Without an excellent standard of literacy, it is proven that students struggle to access lessons, curriculum and exams but more importantly, they are missing out on a whole world of incredible stories, and fascinating characters.

That is why we encourage all students (and staff!) to take part in the reading challenge: to read 50 of the best books ever written before you leave in Year 11.

Will you make it onto our Wall of Excellence?

10 books read? – Bronze award

25 books read? – Silver award

50 books read? – Gold award

When you have finished a book, remember to complete a reflection form: CLICK HERE

You can also complete one of the review sheets linked below by asking your English teacher for a copy.

GEA 50 review booklet

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