A warm welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in George Eliot Academy. The George Eliot Academy is a special place where both pupils and staff feel a real sense of belonging. Having dedicated more than a decade of my teaching career to George Eliot Academy, this school is very dear to me.
We are passionate about our vision to develop successful pupils who are independent, well-rounded, behave with integrity, and most importantly live happy and fulfilled lives. At George Eliot Academy, we provide a caring environment which develops and nurtures the values, skills and attributes for creating good citizens with a strong moral purpose, who make positive contributions to their society. We aim to provide our pupils with opportunities and experiences, that engenders in them the love of learning and equips them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing society and are ready and willing to grasp the opportunities available to them.
We care deeply about your child’s future and as a result we do what we possibly can to make them successful. We want your child to have the best experience possible at school. Our curriculum is broad, knowledge-rich, and challenging. All of our pupils in Years 7 to 9 have knowledge organisers to support their learning.
We have an excellent Creative Art faculty where pupils take part in productions, choir, concerts and Art Festivals. Our pupils compete locally and nationally for the Springboard Future Chef competition and has been winners in the past few years.
At George Eliot Academy, we are strict and have high standards of discipline. We believe every child at George Eliot Academy deserves to learn in an environment free from disruption and have uninterrupted lessons, to be able to achieve their best. Our standards and expectation for uniform, equipment and organisation are very high and our pupils are trained to meet these standards. We set regular homework and encourage and support all pupils to complete them to the best of their ability as research shows that homework reinforces learning done in school. We are proud of our pupils for rising to our high standards and thank our parents for supporting the school.
We believe that the culture of our school is second to none. We have a House system and each pupil is placed within one of the four Houses. Pupils have a great sense of belonging and compete at personal, Form, Year group and House level. There is an excellent buzz around the school when we have competitions.
We believe that education should be character-forming and to develop out pupils’ character, we offer a wide range of enrichment activities including; Science Club, Chess, sports, art and many more. All Year 7 pupils are encouraged to attend at least one enrichment activity per week so that they can have new experiences. We want to develop leadership in our pupils and encourage them to apply and pick up positions as Buddies and Junior Leaders.
If you want your child to develop as a whole, make exceptional progress, be the best they can be, and be cared for in a disruption free school, then choose George Eliot Academy and join us.
For a tour of the school, please contact:
· Mr Craig Bonny-Meekings, Senior Assistant Principal – craig.bonny-meekings@georgeeliotacademy.org.uk
· Mr Ricard Stevenson, Assistant Principal SENCO – richard.stevenson@georgeeliotacademy.org.uk
Mrs H Zakary