
Careers Education

At George Eliot Academy,  we have a team of staff who work together to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG. For any careers enquiries, please contact:  

At George Eliot Academy we aim to promote a progressive career provision that is linked to our STAR values of Self-Discipline, Tenacity, Ambition and Responsibility.  

Our careers education provision seeks to support all pupils to develop ambition and aspiration for a fulfilling and successful working life.

We want our pupils to leave school with high aspirations and make informed decisions on their next choice of destinations. Embedding careers education in the culture of our schools from the outset, and providing a coherent careers journey, allows our pupils to take responsibility for their personal development and make the most of all opportunities presented to them.

Furthermore, in addition to the student entitlements outlined below, we believe that central to a school’s careers programme should be the development of a core set of eight student competencies that each school should seek to develop among their students as part of their careers programme.

Our effective and impartial career programme, together with a knowledge rich curriculum, we empower our young people to learn and place their best interests at the centre of everything we do. We aim to support the aspirations of all our learners and ensure they gain the skills, competencies and experiences they require to progress in their learning and the world of work. By aligning our careers provision to the Gatsby and CDI frameworks, we can give our young people the knowledge and the cultural capital they need to flourish and succeed as individuals in their future careers. All pupils are entitled to a programme that will encourage their career development to be a continual process. We work in conjunction with parents, guardians, teaching staff and local industry to provide a high-quality programme for the pupils at George Eliot Academy. 

Our ambitious, progressive programme contains age appropriate content and activities and delivers a wide range of opportunities and experiences for all pupils. It encourages our pupils to understand the variety of future pathways available including technical, vocational and academic routes.  

Our aim is for our students to become more independent, confident and resilient learners, who can be respectful to one another’s career choices, challenge stereotypes, and understand the link between learning and the world of work, with an appreciate for the value of lifelong learning, so they can make a positive contribution to society.  

Our current Careers Adviser is Ree Suchak. She is able to give students at George Eliot Academy information, advice, guidance and support on a number of areas including Careers Education.  


Career Curriculum

What to expect from your school careers programme

All pupils in years 7-11 access a programme of lessons within the PSHE curriculum, which focus on different aspects of careers and employability skills. 

All pupils complete a short careers survey to help us identify several career sectors they are interested in, so we are able to direct opportunities to genuine interests. 

Local business and employers visit our schools to offer practice interviews and attend an annual Careers Fair, which is open to all pupils and parents. 

Access to  online resources to support careers development such as e-Clips helping pupils to research careers independently. 

We offer access to businesses, employers, Post 16 providers to deliver talks and assemblies each year to make sure all pupils know the opportunities available to them when they leave school. 

In Year 10 and 11, every pupil has a 1:1 guidance interview with one of our Level 6 Careers Advisors. Parents and carers are able to attend this interview if they would like to. 

We actively promote access to a wide range of careers to all pupils challenging stereotypes and careers, which traditionally have been gender-specific. 

We encourage the development of work ready skills through our curriculum and extracurricular activities.   

Unifrog careers platform

Unifrog Login

How can I use Unifrog to help my child?

·       Unifrog is a one-stop shop where pupils can explore and see impartial advice. There is up to date information on current opportunities, college courses and events.

·       All pupils have received invitations on their school email to set up their Unifrog accounts.

·       Unifrog provides access to the online platform which is accessible on any mobile device, either at home or school.

·       Unifrog enables pupils to research apprenticeships, courses, subjects, events, universities and jobs.

·       Unifrog also offers the opportunity for year 10 and 11 pupils to write their CV’s, research sixth forms and colleges.

Career Charter

What to expect from your school careers programme

  • Have access to impartial careers guidance that enables them to make informed choices about their future.
  • Have access to a personalised plan that helps them to take responsibility for their future that is matched to their academic ability and aspirations.
  • Attend at least one visit to a University by the end of Key Stage 4.
  • Engage in meaningful experiences of the workplace during Key Stage 4.
  • Have access to a wide range of providers that enable them to effectively determine the most suitable pathway for their studies post-16.
  • Be provided with opportunities to hear from engaging speakers on a wide range of topics, across varied and diverse sectors and industries, to challenge stereotypes and broaden aspirations.
  • Be provided with the appropriate resources and oracy skills to support them in undertaking interviews at key transition points.
  • Be provided with the appropriate resources and literacy skills to support them in undertaking written tasks (i.e., application forms, CVs) at key transition points.
  • Be provided with information in relation to the wider world of work such as finance, budgeting and employability skills.
  • Study a curriculum, across all subjects,that has tangible links to careers and aspirations.

How you can support your child in their career journey

o   Please talk to your child about their career interests, if they do not know what they would like to do focus on developing their work ready skills through activities, hobbies, and interests.

o   Visit the United Learning Trust website You will find a lot of information about careers and information for parents and pupils to support career development.

o   Take advantage of the many employer encounters offered during the year, sometimes a visit out of school can motivate and provide pupils with direction in their career planning.

o   Contact the school if you need support of any aspects of careers, or if you can support the school careers programme.

o   If your child has benefitted from a career experience, please let us know, we would love to hear from you on what they enjoyed helping us enhance careers experiences for others. If your child has benefitted from a career experience, please let us know. Please email


Skills Builder

Future employers are looking for well qualified young people who are enthusiastic and willing to make a positive start to their career.

To help our pupils get ready for work we promote a wide range of work readiness skills throughout our curriculum by working with the Skills Builder Partnership. 

These are the skills young people need to succeed in education and beyond into employment. Working with the Skills Builder Partnership supports our careers strategy, providing engaging resources for building essential employability skills.




Policies aligned to Careers Education including our brand new employer access policy which enables direct contact between employers and school. 

Warkwickshire Local Labour Market

Careersmart | Careers and job market information)

Careersmart is an independent and impartial careers website it aims to enable individuals to be informed and confident in their career choices and decisions.

Success at School The Best Websites to Find Labour Market Information (

The best websites to find Labour Market Information

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. Our careers strategy is built around them, and they make a great place to start for planning or improving our programme. Gatsby Benchmarks

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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