At George Eliot Academy, we have a team of staff who work together to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG. For any careers enquiries, please contact:
At George Eliot Academy we aim to promote a progressive career provision that is linked to our STAR values of Self-Discipline, Tenacity, Ambition and Responsibility.
Our careers education provision seeks to support all pupils to develop ambition and aspiration for a fulfilling and successful working life.
We want our pupils to leave school with high aspirations and make informed decisions on their next choice of destinations. Embedding careers education in the culture of our schools from the outset, and providing a coherent careers journey, allows our pupils to take responsibility for their personal development and make the most of all opportunities presented to them.
Furthermore, in addition to the student entitlements outlined below, we believe that central to a school’s careers programme should be the development of a core set of eight student competencies that each school should seek to develop among their students as part of their careers programme.
Our effective and impartial career programme, together with a knowledge rich curriculum, we empower our young people to learn and place their best interests at the centre of everything we do. We aim to support the aspirations of all our learners and ensure they gain the skills, competencies and experiences they require to progress in their learning and the world of work. By aligning our careers provision to the Gatsby and CDI frameworks, we can give our young people the knowledge and the cultural capital they need to flourish and succeed as individuals in their future careers. All pupils are entitled to a programme that will encourage their career development to be a continual process. We work in conjunction with parents, guardians, teaching staff and local industry to provide a high-quality programme for the pupils at George Eliot Academy.
Our ambitious, progressive programme contains age appropriate content and activities and delivers a wide range of opportunities and experiences for all pupils. It encourages our pupils to understand the variety of future pathways available including technical, vocational and academic routes.
Our aim is for our students to become more independent, confident and resilient learners, who can be respectful to one another’s career choices, challenge stereotypes, and understand the link between learning and the world of work, with an appreciate for the value of lifelong learning, so they can make a positive contribution to society.
Our current Careers Adviser is Ree Suchak. She is able to give students at George Eliot Academy information, advice, guidance and support on a number of areas including Careers Education.