
At George Eliot Academy we have homework that focuses on recall of knowledge. We know that research about memory and learning shows that we learn what we think about. We know that we lose new learning if we don’t practice recalling it. We use quizzes, in class and at home, to ensure we develop the retrieval strength of new knowledge. 

We invest in platforms that offer the best experiences for all pupils across subjects. For support with login details or issues, please speak to your child's form tutor.


Pupil support video: click here

Parent support video: click here

Homework support session for parents


Class Charts support for parents

Do you need support with downloading and navigating Class Charts?

It is essential that you as a parent have access to class charts, all communication in regard to positive and negative behaviour  is communicated through class charts and it is essential that you have access in the bid to support positive communication between the school and home.

Please see attached the How to guide to support or contact Miss Wells to book an appointment on Beth.Wells@georgeeliotacademy.org.uk to help with the set up of class charts

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