
Welcome to the George Eliot Academy.

This page has all the information and links for families of pupils who are joining us at George Eliot Academy in the Autumn Term. 

Transition at George Eliot Academy

George Eliot Academy has a proactive approach to supporting all pupils through key transition stages. 

The term ‘transition’ refers to the changes children and young people go through as they progress between different educational settings and move to employment or training.

Transition brings changes and often these can cause some anxiety for both parents and their children. Our approach focuses on three main transition points:

  • Key Stage 2 - 3   Primary to secondary school
  • Key Stage 3 - 4   Career Planning and subject choices at GCSE
  • Key Stage 4 - 5   The move from school to FE College, 6th Form, apprenticeship/employment or work.

Moving from one school setting to another can be stressful and at the same time exciting. Our approach is designed to pre-empt possible issues and work to enable all our young people to make the necessary adjustments so that the transition is a smooth process.

Key Stage 2 - 3 Primary to secondary school

We work closely with our Primary Partner Schools to offer a variety of experiences to Key Stage 2 children. For some children in Year 4 and 5 the opportunity to visit their local secondary school can begin the bridging process. ‘Hands on’ activities and lessons involving children from Primary Schools working collaboratively with older pupils develops relationships and new skills. 

Our programme is varied and provides ‘hands on activities’ easing children into a new environment through activities that stimulate and develop their learning. We encourage activities that lead to a ‘take away’ so children take home something they have learnt of made during their visit.

For children joining our school, we offer a three day induction with an opportunity to come to school and experience new lessons and a new environment in the July of Year 6. This induction has been very successful at supporting children as they move from primary to secondary school and reduces the anxieties they have about joining a new school. New routines, new teachers, new classrooms and a new timetable are all explored in a friendly and supportive way as well as the advantage of making new friends before the start of the September term.

Key Stage 3 - 4 Career Planning and subject choices at GCSE

In Year 9 pupils begin to select their GCSE subjects and are supported through individual and group sessions by experienced members of staff and qualified Careers Advisors. We believe in providing high quality information and encourage discussion around choices that are supported by local labour market information to enable pupils to feel confident in their choices.

Our planned programme of Careers Education is designed to enable pupils to explore the world of work and also future work as they consider a wide range of opportunities and employment. We encourage and invite into school for assemblies and events a wide range of local employers, FE colleges and apprenticeship providers to support decision making and give the pupils meaningful opportunities to ask questions and find out information. Our own careers programme covers many of the areas that often cause pupils concern, such as how to make choices, a look at local labour market information, the changing world of work and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. 

Key Stage 4 - 5 The move from school to FE College, 6th Form, apprenticeship/employment or work

Leaving school for some pupils presents a wide range of new opportunities and for others may present some challenges. We aim to make all our pupils aware of all local opportunities as well as those available nationally. All our pupils receive one to one guidance interviews during Year 10 and 11 to help plan for a successful future and access career opportunities. 

Be Awesome and Go Big!


Session 1 - Be Awesome and Go Big

Session 1 - Be Awesome and Go Big


Session 2 - Be awesome - Unlocking your mind

Session 2 - Be awesome - Unlocking your mind


Session 3 - Be awesome - Dare to take risks

Session 3 - Be awesome - Dare to take risks


Session 5 - Be Awesome - Lost but not lost

Session 5 - Be Awesome - Lost but not lost


Session 6 - Be Awesome - Bouncebackability

Session 6 - Be Awesome - Bouncebackability


Session 7 - Be Awesome - What is normal anyway?

Session 7 - Be Awesome - What is normal anyway?


Session 8 - Be Awesome - Friendships and fallouts

Session 8 - Be Awesome - Friendships and fallouts


Session 9 - Be Awesome - Living well

Session 9 - Be Awesome - Living well


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