Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Update 


Hi everyone, my name is Lorraine Lewis, Chair of George Eliot Academy’s newly formed PTA.  

My eldest daughter was a previous student, and my son is a current student in Year 8.  

There aren’t many secondary schools that are fortunate enough to attract a proactive PTA but here at our Academy we are! The team is a small but mighty, enthusiastic, and friendly group of parents, grandparents and carers who are keen to be part of the secondary school life in partnership with the teachers.  


To raise additional funding for the Academy in a fun and social way. All funds raised are invested into improving the site, to provide more creative and useable spaces for the students.  

The long-term goal is to raise enough money to fund an outdoor gym. 


Being part of the PTA offers immediate connection to student life. In return, the PTA brings a wealth of voluntary administration, financial, business, organisational knowledge, and skills to the Academy. 

Often, new parents who have children transitioning from primary school can benefit from joining a PTA to help feel involved in their child’s journey in Year 7, a year that brings notable change an independence to everyone involved. The PTA as individuals or as a collective can also offer a great support network for parents who are feeling anxious or concerned about their child during or post transition from primary to secondary education. 

The team regularly pools ideas which are trialled through a series of annual events to raise vital funds. To date, students have benefited from beautiful, donated Christmas trees that they were able to decorate. Attendance and achievement prizes, leavers events decorations. These funds were all donated by carrying out event refreshments, Halloween Disco’s, Christmas Fayre’s, Family Bingo all of which has raised significant funds which otherwise wouldn’t have been available.  

Events Calendar: 

The PTA plan to host five key events per Academic year: 

  • Halloween disco for Years 7&8 

  • Christmas Fayre which is a mix of student, PTA and local businesses run stalls which is an ideal way to purchase Christmas presents.  

  • Family and friends Easter Bingo 

  • Summer Fayre  

  • Firework Night 

More information on upcoming events will be communicated via the media platforms we have available, including Facebook, Twitter, Weduc, School notice book and some local shops to help spread the word.  

The PTA also offers Pre-Loved Uniform 

If you need pre-loved uniform including coats and some shoes. You can contact me by email to enquire about range and sizing.  

All planned events offer pre-loved unform to purchase. 

How you can help: 

The PTA welcomes newcomers and time throughout the year. 

You may like to attend any of our short meetings with an option to join online, and or to simply be available occasionally to offer an extra pair of hands to help at an event. Any amount of help is appreciated.  

Alternatively, you can help by: 

  • Attending the events, which are a fantastic way to network and to show your support. 

  • Donating any unwanted school uniform. Donations can be handed to Reception during the school day. 

  • Donating any clean unwanted clothes, no logo work clothing. Please hand this into Reception. 

  • Share your great ideas to improve our events. 

  • Volunteer to help at an event. 

  • Business owners can sponsor or match fund one of our events. 

If you would like to help in any way, please email  

Best wishes 
